Welcome to the WordPress Bootstrap resources page! On this page, I will provide useful resources, plugins, tools, applications and websites to help make your life as a coder a little bit easier. I recommend adding this page to your bookmarks for convenient future reference.

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Justhost Logo


When I made my very first website about 7 years ago, I signed up with Justhost — and I’ve never looked back! Since then, I’ve built hundreds of websites with Justhost as my only hosting provider. I recommend these guys to all of my clients, my students, my family and friends.

If you’re looking to start your very first website, or are looking for a reliable hosting provider — look no further. You get a free domain name for life, great customer service, unlimited domains, unlimited email accounts, unlimited GBs of space, an anytime money back guarantee and my favourite part: You can set up a blog website in minutes with 1-click WordPress Install. These guys are awesome!

Get started with Justhost
Coda2 Logo

Coda 2

If you’re serious about coding, or you want to start out with a solid tool to code with, I strongly recommend Coda 2 for Mac. A beautiful User Interface with tabbed navigation, a super sidebar, and a simple layout. The features are outrageous and extensive, with code folding, smart complete, auto indentation, GIT integration, a built-in terminal, iCloud support — to name a few. The features seem to be endless.

I use Coda 2 for all of my courses & tutorials, and if you decide to use Coda 2 as your editor of choice, it would greatly benefit you when taking my courses. The price of the editor weighs in at $75, but it’s worth every penny — in my honest opinion.

Check out Coda 2
Dropbox Logo


This tool should go without saying. But if I have to explain — you need this tool. I use it 24/7 — literally. Dropbox is where I store my personal & business related data. It’s accessible anywhere, and regularly backs up my important information.

Because my data is accessible anywhere, Dropbox allows me to work on a client project at home, on the bus, in a coffee shop, or at a friend’s house. It’s truly a gem of a tool, and I think you’ll believe me.

Try Dropbox for free!